Hilarious. Nuff said.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Obama: 'Tough Votes' Cast in Congress Are 'Courageous' While Putting 'Congressional Careers at Risk' - Political Punch
Three weeks before his party could take a tough hit in the voting booths, President Obama said this evening that a “pleasant surprise” of his job is seeing members of Congress cast tough votes over the past 20 months even though it might lead to their congressional demise.
How in the hell is it courageous to defy your own constituents’ wishes? This demonstrates perfectly the disjointed view the government has of its own role.
They view themselves as elite rulers who know what is best for America, while we, the people, are too stupid to understand it all.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
USS Cole: 'Rock solid' evidence, no retaliation - U.S. news - Security - msnbc.com
"Think about the optics," he said, "You had a billion dollar warship nearly sank, with 17 Americans killed. You had the United States not doing anything publicly about it. Bin Laden and al-Qaida were able to issue a series of videotapes crowing about their achievement. So, if I'm an impressionable young man who aspires to conduct jihad, and I see what al-Qaida did and they weren't held responsible, hell yeah, I'm going to go toward them. And that, in effect, is what happened."
USS Cole: 'Rock solid' evidence, no retaliation - U.S. news - Security - msnbc.com
On October 12, 2000 I was sitting in an airport, waiting to fly to Great Lakes, IL for my first day of Navy Boot Camp when I saw this on TV. Even though I wasn’t yet a sailor, it still royally pissed me off. I thought for sure we’d get the bastards who had done it.
It’s a shame that we didn’t see this as the act of war that it was and instead treated it as a criminal matter. It might have saved a lot of lives later on if we had decided then to oust the Taliban for harboring Bin Laden.
John Robbins: How Bad Is McDonald's Food?
John Robbins: How Bad Is McDonald's Food?
Wow, you mean fast food is bad for me!? Thanks for the update.
So basically you have an ad campaign to inform people… of something everyone already knows. What a waste of money.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Video: Harry Reid’s greatest living Americans are … « Hot Air
Q. Can you think of a greatest living American?
Reid: I’m glad I had the opportunity to know Ted Kennedy. Whether you agreed with him or not, what a life he led with his two brothers being assassinated, his other brother being killed in World War II. And Robert Byrd, who just died. What a, what a — he was in the Congress of the United States for more than 25% of the time that we have been a country. That’s fairly remarkable.
Video: Harry Reid’s greatest living Americans are … « Hot Air
Yup, these are the geniuses running the country. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he misunderstood the question. Are Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd really Reid’s idea of the two best Americans who ever lived?
Team Paladino eyes 'anti-Semite' smear - NYPOST.com
Renowned hip-hop entrepreneur and Phat Farm fashion creator Simmons has been a longtime Cuomo supporter and financial backer, as well as an aggressive opponent of anti-Semitism and racism. He hosted the Nation of Islam leader and his sons at his lower Manhattan home last year when they were in New York to greet Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy.
Team Paladino eyes 'anti-Semite' smear - NYPOST.com
How much of an “aggressive opponent of anti-Semitism and racism” can you really be if you are hosting meetings between Farrakhan and Khadafy?
The NY Post must really want Cuomo to win if they are going to try discredit Paladino’s lines of attack before he even brings them up. Anyone who actually takes the time to read this whole article, however, will probably conclude that he probably does harbor some anti-Semite attitudes.
Obama steps up attack on Chamber – The Washington Post
"You don't know," Obama said at the rally for Senate candidate Joe Sestak and other Democrats. "It could be the oil industry. It could even be foreign-owned corporations. You don't know because they don't have to disclose."
The remarks are part of a volley of recent attacks by Obama and other Democrats on alleged foreign influence within the Republican caucus, whether through support for outsourcing jobs by major U.S. corporations or through overseas money making its way into the coffers of GOP-leaning interest groups.
Obama steps up attack on Chamber – The Washington Post
Way to fight that anti-business image you’ve obviously, rightfully earned. This shows Obama has decided to no longer even attempt to compete for the support of American businesses.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Mont. Woman Arrested for Damaging Jesus 'Porn' Art in Colo. - FoxNews.com
Mont. Woman Arrested for Damaging Jesus 'Porn' Art in Colo. - FoxNews.com
"Should we as artists, or any free-thinking people, have to be subjected to fear of violent attacks for expressing our sincere concerns? I made a collage with a comic book and an illustration of a religious icon to express the corruption of something precious and spiritual," Chagoya told FoxNews.com. "There is no nudity, or genitals, or explicit sexual contact shown in the image. There is a dressed woman, a religious icon's head, a man showing his tongue, and a skull of a Pope in the upper right corner of the controversial page. I did not make a picture of Christ. I used symbols as one would use words in a sentence to critique corruption of the sacred by religious institutions."
Hey buddy, how about growing a sack and making a picture like that with Mohammed.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
US military funeral protest case opens in supreme court | Law | guardian.co.uk
US military funeral protest case opens in supreme court | Law | guardian.co.uk
In a key test of free speech protections in the US, the supreme court has heard arguments about whether a fundamentalist church had the right to picket a marine's funeral with signs like "Thank God for Dead Soldiers".
Members of the Westboro baptist church in Topeka, Kansas, protested at the 2006 funeral of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder to express their view that US deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq were God's punishment for US immorality and tolerance of homosexuality and abortion.
These people are the worst kind of scum, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t protected by the first amendment. I hope the Supreme Court agrees, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they found a way to rule in favor of the Snyder’s.
Either way, I think it shows what a great and free country we live in that we have fretted over this case so much.
N.Y. Seeks to Ban Sugary Drinks From Food Stamp Buys - FoxNews.com
N.Y. Seeks to Ban Sugary Drinks From Food Stamp Buys - FoxNews.com
“Bloomberg and Paterson planned to announce Thursday that they are seeking permission from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the nation's food stamp program, to add sugary drinks to the list of prohibited goods for city residents receiving assistance.”
As much as I hate to agree with Nanny Bloomberg about anything, I’m with him on this one. When you start taking money from the government, then you open yourself up to their restrictions on your behavior.
However, I still don’t understand his crusade against fat people. In a spectrum of all the problems facing New York, I find it hard to believe fighting obesity warrants this much time and effort.